Alternatives are being looked at for a new fire sprinkler system in the aging H.J. McFarland Home.
A motion was put before council during Tuesday’s Prince Edward County Council meeting to approve a tender to install a new fire sprinkler system. The tender was not awarded during the meeting.
The new system and fire alarm upgrade needed for it would cost $476,660, though one-time funding of $213,612 is available from Ontario Health to offset the cost. The system is needed to be in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code, and was to be installed by January 1.
In a report to council, it was mentioned that an alternative solution can be put in place instead, as the home is being replaced with a new structure soon. This measure is considered temporary and may include steps such as a posted fire watch, increased fire drills, and other fire prevention measures.
During the council meeting, councillors moved to explore the option of a temporary measure, instead of installing the sprinkler system. Staff were directed to present details on the alternative no later than the November 12 council meeting.