Prince Edward County could soon see a new nature pathway along the south shore.
During Tuesday’s council meeting, council heard a deputation from Joe Dale and Geoff Craig, regarding their initiative to construct a walking and hiking trail through natural spaces in the south of the county.
The proposed path would stretch between Point Petre and Point Traverse, passing through conservation areas and other natural areas, allowing walkers to take in some of the natural environment in the area.
The pair presented a summary of their ongoing efforts to create the pathway, revealing that they have already approached the various conservation areas along the proposed route, and some private landowners, who were interested in the project.
The pair didn’t ask for monetary support from the council, as they planned to keep the effort low budget and easy to maintain, but did ask for general support and advised that once they had more of the route set in stone that they would ask permission to post signage.
Councillor Phil St-Jean was supportive of the project.
“Honestly, I think it is an exciting project,” said Councillor St-Jean. “I wish you the best of luck. There’s a lot of hours under your belt already, and I’m sure there will be a lot more as you move forward.”
Council accepted the deputation, but took no action at this time.