At Monday’s meeting, Belleville City Council will consider approving the 2024 Operating Budget Guidelines which includes keeping the increase to residential property taxes to no more than five per cent.
Staff will use the guidelines to build the proposed 2024 Operating Budget which will be released on February 1 and be followed by deliberations.
Another guideline asks that the Operating Budget consider the service areas prioritized through public input.
A public survey was issued earlier this fall regarding operating spending priorities.
More than 700 responses were received with the top five most important service areas being doctor recruitment followed by policing, building, planning & development, social housing and economic development.
When asked about their willingness to pay for tax-funded services, 37% would prefer to have their taxes maintained, even if it means a reduction in discretionary tax-funded services.
Twenty-seven per cent indicated a willingness to support a tax increase at inflationary levels to sustain services.
Results of a second survey asking for feedback on the preliminary draft operating budget will be released in February.