Brighton council has set its tax-supported capital budget for next year. It will total just over $1.7 million, 3% higher than this year’s.
Total capital spending will total $15.3 million with the difference being paid through grants, loans, reserve funds and user fees.
One major and ongoing issue in Brighton is the development of a new sewage treatment plant. One million dollars has been earmarked for detailed design work.
Mayor Brian Ostrander says a new mechanical treatment plant could cost more than $30 million.
“That project after the design is complete we know is going to be out of the scope for our small municipality. We’re going to have go hat in hand to our friends at the province to help out.”
The biggest road project in Brighton will be the reconstruction of Prince Edward Street in partnership with Northumberland County at a cost of close to $3 million. Most of the work will be completed next year.
Next up for Brighton council will be discussions on next year’s operating budget.