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To a lot of people, local government, local councils, are the most important level of government.  Local councils provide the basic services communities need, and local politicians are accessable as they live in the communities they serve.

Monday, October 22 is municipal election day in Ontario and Quinte News and CJBQ 800AM will have all of the results, as they come in, from the 12 municipalities in our listening area.

Those are Belleville, Quinte West, Prince Edward County, Tyendinaga Township, Deseronto, Tweed, Stirling-Rawdon, Centre Hastings, Madoc Township, Marmora and Lake, Trent Hills and Brighton.   See the results on Quinte News.com and hear the results plus expert analysis on CJBQ radio.  Starting at 8pm Monday, October 22, Jack Miller, Lorne Brooker and Ross McDougall will be on the air with not only results and commentary on the Quinte region but from other important communities as well.

Below see information on candidates running for Mayor and council in Prince Edward County.

Add candidates information here…


The information below is almost exactly as the candidates supplied us.
In some cases the submissions have been lightly edited.

Mayor (1 to be elected)(I) incumbent

Steve Ferguson

Steve Ferguson

Personal background:

Hometown – formerly Toronto, now Milford PEC

Education – BA, History and English

Occupation – Mayor, Prince Edward County

Family status – Partner, Mary Malone; two adult children and five grandchildren

Community/charity affiliations: Former councillor for South Marysburgh ward, 2014 – 2018; former publisher of The South Marysburgh Mirror (2011 – 2020); former president of the Milford Fair board; former president of The Prince Edward Historical Society

Previous political experience: Former Councillor for South Marysburgh ward, 2014 – 2018

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

I am running for re-election because I believe in finishing what I start.

I would like to explain some of what HAS been accomplished under my leadership during a four-year term marked by flooding in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020 – two unprecedented events that demanded leadership, stamina, and empathy. Characteristics that are essential for anyone running for this office.

  1. To confront the affordable housing crisis, we have brought forward numerous changes to bylaws including reducing the minimum size of a rental unit; allowing tiny homes, staff ‘bunkhouses’, garden suites and modular units in certain zoning classifications; and we’ve streamlined the zoning and site plan approval process to expedite the development of affordable housing in The County;
  2. The former Wellington Arena property is being redeveloped into affordable housing ready for occupancy in mid-2024; and the preliminary work necessary to secure the QE School property in Picton for affordable housing is underway;
  3. Roads and infrastructure are always top of mind. With 1100 KM of roads, we are doing the best we can with limited resources, and we have taken all the steps necessary to be “shovel ready” when funding from our provincial and federal partners becomes available to rebuild County Road 49, and a roundabout at Hwy 62 and CR1 is being actively pursued;
  4. Healthcare is a critical need: we have invested in a dedicated physician recruiter, and we have provided financing and other incentives to attract new doctors, one of whom will be taking over a practice in May 2023; the new hospital has received significant support and will play a role in attracting doctors.
  5. I like to think outside the box. So, I have facilitated conversations between Loyalist College and the owners of Base 31 that I hope will lead to a Memorandum of Understanding between them to create post-secondary programs at the site for our youth and young adults;
  6. Finally, we have put in place a new official plan to protect our environment, agricultural and natural assets – all focused on ensuring a positive future for our children and our grandchildren.

Not all this work is complete, but it is all well underway. With voters’ support, whether voting online or at the polls, as mayor I will focus on housing, roads, healthcare, education and the environment and provide the leadership to get these projects done and help our community thrive.

Kyle Mayne

Information/photo not submitted

Dianne O’Brien

Dianne O’Brien


Five generations of my family have been raised in the County. It’s the place I’ve always known as ‘home’.

For more than 30+ years I enjoyed working in the telecommunications and
manufacturing sectors.   The one skill I enjoyed the most was that of Negotiator. It is a skill that serves me well in all areas of my life.


With a keen interest in the community and the determination to make a difference, I ventured into municipal politics, running successfully in 2006. I feel privileged to have been re-elected in 2010 and 2014. With 12-years of first-hand experience as an elected representative, I am familiar with the issues and the stakeholders from one end of the County to the other.

I have developed contacts throughout the County and have good relationships with elected representatives at both the Federal and Provincial levels including surrounding municipalities.

My experience gives me optimism but we can do things even better.

I am excited and energized at the possibility of collaborating and partnering to lead the County to even greater levels of inclusion, diversity, innovation, and prosperity.


It has been an honour to represent residents of Prince Edward County for 12″
years.  I feel truly humbled at the ongoing support I receive from those I’ve worked hard to serve  and it energizes me and motivates me to continue.

One of the most compelling reasons to seek this position is that under Mayor Ferguson’s leadership the County’s budget has an annualized 6.9 per cent tax increase over the past four years – over a 30 per cent total increase.

In 2016 Council endorsed an updated Corporate Strategic Plan that identified five priorities including financial sustainability, business-friendly environment, and maintenance of a rural and historic character, stable employment, affordable housing sustainable community healthcare.

These were, and continue to be important priorities and I think there is still much work to be done which is why I have put my name forward to be the next Mayor of Prince Edward County.

I believe there are opportunities to make this County more affordable by encouraging small businesses and supporting them to thrive.

I am committed to support the growth and expansion of small and family-owned businesses because they are the lifeblood of an economically healthy County.

We need to explore all avenues for affordable housing including any rent to own programs that will attract workers to live in the community.

Prince Edward County is transitioning from a small rural community into an
internationally acclaimed destination location.

A mayor has a responsibility to guide the council to make well informed decisions in a direction that is beneficial and responsible to the taxpayers and advances the viability of the County. A mayor should recognize every councillor brings value to the horseshoe. There is great diversity on council – farmers, teachers, business owners, service industry workers – they all bring a unique perspective to the horseshoe.

Terry Shortt

Terry Shortt

Life-time County Resident
My wife and I will be celebrating our 46 year anniversary this month
We are very proud of our 3 children and our 4 grandchildren
Business experience :
33 years owner operator/president of Terry Shortt Electrical Services Ltd.
I sold the company 2 years ago to 2 former employees who are carrying on its operation
Company specializes in power distribution and control system design, installation and
servicing as well as commercial and residential wiring
Have had as many as 54 employees on large projects, averaged 12 to 20 for many
Company was selected as the service provider and has completed many large projects
for corporations such as the TCS Group, General mills, Hienz, Quaker Oats, GE Small
Motors and many other business and industries in the Quinte area.
Council experience :
3 years Sophiasburgh Township councillor
10 years Prince Edward County councillor (Sophiasburgh Ward 10)
2 years vice-chairman of Planning Committee
4 years chairman of Planning Committee
9 years chairman of County Recreation Board
4 years as chair of the Community Development Committee
2 years Council rep. to the master fire plan committee
Strengths :

Experienced with creating and dealing with budgets
Experienced finding creative solutions for problems and issues
Well acquainted with County land issues
Experienced dealing with staff
Open and accessible
Issues :

– Do what is necessary to support and protect our agricultural community
– Do what is necessary to support our local business
– Maintain the moratorium on Air b&b’s and STA’s until we have dealt with our situation as it stands.
– Doctor recruitment will require out of the box thinking to compete with other
– Look at issues as they relate to each other and the County as a whole instead of
dealing with each as a individual item
– We need development but it needs to be managed and balanced with the needs and
concerns of the existing community
– Affordable housing, with fuel prices as they are it becomes unrealistic to drive a distance to work and therefore local employers can’t find the help they need
– Control spending, a deal is only a deal if you can afford your part of the commitment
– Review existing bylaws which hinder the enjoyment of ones own property through unnecessary restrictions

– Attracting year round employment to retain youth
– Do what we can to address the serious lack of daycare facilities
– Convince the province that they have a fiscal responsibility to hwy 49 which was downloaded to the County even though it is a connecting link from the 401 to the Sandbanks (a provincial attraction) used by approximately a million visitors a year Sandbanks (a provincial attraction) used by approximately a million visitors a year.

Councils main objective for the next term should be to find a balance between the community and development and tourism which can lead to a cohesive sustainable community.

Ward 1 Picton (2 seats)
Phil Adie

Phil Adie

I moved to The County full time 7 years ago after a lifetime of vacationing here. I am originally from Brant Haldimand-Norfolk on the shores of Lake Erie, which shares the same rural lifestyle & values as here in Prince Edward County.

Over the last several years I have been working in the background on several community initiatives to promote affordable housing, an end to homelessness and ways to decrease the growing economic gaps here in PEC.

On a professional basis, working with private citizens & medical leaders here in The County, I created a Beta software solution to help with a healthcare pilot program for aging in place in Wellington. It will be addressing vital healthcare data & analysis for over a thousand PEC residents.

My own business, Wooden Horse, did primarily field engineering mobility software for Fortune 500 companies prior to COVID.

As well as running a technology focused fund, I have worked as an executive with public companies, private investment groups and start up ventures providing telecommunications, evaluation, guidance and turnaround management. I have been embedded into assignments around the world.

I have never run personally before for elected office.


I feel my ability to manage community economic leaders & their visions along with my project leadership skills including resolving issues and building consensus amongst various parties would be the strongest assets I could contribute to Picton as Ward 1 Councillor especially on the key issues below.

Back To Common Sense

We need to make practical decisions. Closing down Main Street in Picton during the two most important months of the year without any meaningful notice after just clearing COVID is not common sense.

Affordable Housing

Our young families, workers & local seniors in this community need both affordable & attainable residential developments. Let’s work together with local economic leaders, real estate developers and non-profit organizations to make this a reality. Let’s cut the “red tape”.


We have a dire shortage of Doctors, Nurse Practitioners & Registered Nurses here in Prince Edward County. We need to find the funding within our current budget to make things happen without raising property taxes again.

Support Local Business

Over COVID I saw over 40 high paid technology jobs in my immediate circle leave Picton to other communities. We also have the regulatory tools at our Municipal government’s disposal to make purchasing goods and services from local businesses a first priority. Let’s keep the tax dollars here in our local economy.

Size Of Council

We have the fifth largest number of Councilors of all Single Tier Municipalities in the Province. PEC is comparable with communities with almost 25X our population and more. I don’t believe anyone wants to be a target for amalgamation which will dilute our community voice.

Jane Lesslie

Jane Lesslie

I grew up mainly in Kingston (my dad was in the navy) and began summering in the County from the age of 5. I’m a Chartered Financial Analyst and spent 24 years analyzing government finances of countries, regions and municipalities around the world. I have spent the last 2 1/2 years as Chair of the Environmental Advisory Committee to PEC Council

Previous Political Experience: Have never run

Reasons for becoming a candidate:

During the past four years I’ve served as Chair of the Environmental Advisory Committee to Council and spent time volunteering at the County Food Depot during COVID. My time on the committee, my time volunteering and my experience analyzing governments around the world, have given me some insights and a lot of ideas for how to make our County a better place for ALL of us. We have increasingly complex issues in the County. Finding solutions to these will be my full time commitment.

Some people think you have to choose between a strong economy and a healthy environment. I disagree. You can’t have one without the other. Environmental risks will place increasing burdens on our budgets and we have to prepare

We need year round secure jobs and year round demand for our existing businesses. For example, a greening economy is creating whole new set of jobs – and presents an opportunity to diversify our economy
which is very vulnerable to the ups and downs of tourism as we saw during Covid.

We have a $67 million dollar budget and $100 million in planned infrastructure spending in Wellington. I have the experience to determine that our tax dollars are well spent. We need a small finance subcommittee of council to really dig down

We need more joined up thinking. For example short term accommodations (STAs) have pressured our
housing supply and put prices out of reach of many locals. I want to see all county revenues from STAs
go to funding affordable housing, not to promote tourism as the province dictates.

We need a strategy for primary health care – doctors and nurse practitioners – and we need to be prepared to compete. We have to recognize that doctors and nurses are graduating with heavy debt loads and our local
housing costs don’t help – again we need joined up thinking.

I’m concerned about our low high school graduation rate. I want to see our high school students succeed and be prepared for those jobs that our businesses are struggling to fill.

Kate MacNaughton

Kate MacNaughton

I was born in Montreal but grew up in both Toronto and Montreal. I attended university in Montreal and graduated with a BFA. I live in Picton with my daughter and a couple of guard cats. Prior to town, we lived in Hallowell on a few acres. Until we moved here, I worked in communications and coordination primarily for not-for-profit organizations. When we moved here, I got a local job, worked at the library doing children and youth outreach, and was a supply teacher.

My volunteer experience has ranged over decades to include literacy action, food security action, parent councils, child and youth activation, environmental advocacy, and diversity in representation efforts for organizations including Frontier College, Beat the Street, The NDG food depot, the Picton Fair, the Picton Children’s Vaccination clinics and more.

Previous political experience:

I have been involved in several local advocacy efforts. I’ve been on council now for four years.

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

I live here. I’m raising my kid here. PEC is home and I care about the decisions council makes that have an impact on my home and my neighbours. In 2018, I wanted to see different perspectives come to the government table. I also wanted to see representatives with integrity and courage. Our community was and is facing big problems: the housing crisis, a lack of youth engagement, the need for more diverse representation, the looming impacts of climate change, vulnerability of our public spaces and development impacts on rural land. I wanted to see a government willing to work on some big ideas to address those problems and I wanted to see the municipality start looking forward instead of back.

I’m running again because I’m still concerned about the same issues. We’ve made some progress this term on several fronts. Impressive new hires in particular—many of whom are innovators— have moved us forward. Improved staff engagement, improved commitment to community consultation and new tech helped us weather covid better than most rural municipalities. This improved ground word has improved our capacity for bigger, longer term projects. We need councillors who are capable of sustaining focus for many years-long projects.

I now have knowledge and experience to share—an ever growing understanding of those tools available and how to use them. Today, based on my record as a voice for those less represented, as an advocate for residents’ quality of life, as an advocate for constituents needs, and as a driver for positive change, I have more to contribute.

Peter Morch

Peter Morch

Born at BGH and raised in Prince Edward County I have enjoyed my life here, from picking tomatoes for Harold Harrison in Cressy and starting the sailing program at PEYC with County resident Christopher Gentile. Along the way I tended bar at The Fireside Inn (currently P.E. Innovation Centre)

After attending The University of Waterloo my attention was focused on a family business in Belleville commuting daily to our home on The Adolphus Reach.
An avid supporter of Camp Trillium myself and County resident Michelle Brown hosted events for several years raising money in benefit of  this life changing facility.
In 2006 my life here was centered in the hospitality sector where I remain employed today. I currently live in Picton with my son, and have no previous political experience.
I  believe as a community we can be better. Better neighbours, better hosts, and more engaged with a positive proactive outlook, unified as much as possible.
We do not need to separate, segregate, divide. It is after all Prince Edward County, a great place to call home.
Phil St-Jean

Phil St-Jean

I was born in Picton and lived my entire life in the county.
I have worked in the agriculture sector, hospitality and food services, business management, industrial refrigeration, a restaurant owner and currently self employed in the residential/ commercial renovations industry.
My wife and I have been married for 37 years. We have 1 child, a son.

I have contributed to our community my entire life volunteering with many organizations, holding many leadership roles within those organizations. For example I am a past president of the Prince Edward Curling club (2 years), past president of the Regent Theatre Foundation (1 1/2 years), past president (3 years) of Kinsmen Club of Picton and currently in my 4th year as treasurer and I’m currently a co-ordinator, volunteer and liaison between the municipality and the Picton Farmers Market now in its 2nd year.

I have served 2 terms, 7 years total on PEC council, 2001-2003 and 2018-2022. During the in between years I was a member on a number of public committees such as the commercial sign bylaw development committee, canine control bylaw development committee and 4 years on property standards committee.

I grew up in the county learning from my parents, neighbours, friends and many other community oriented caring individuals who selflessly volunteered their time, skills and experiences by contributing to the well being, success and overall fabric of our county. I have over 35 years experience working for and with the residents of Picton and Prince Edward County which demonstrates I understand what it takes and what is needed to build a better community for all residents. I will continue doing my best to represent the residents of Picton and Prince Edward County with compassion, using solid reasoning based on current factual information and a drawing upon the deep understanding I have learned in my lifetime living in the County.

My highest priority is to ensure all of the progress we have achieved together in addressing our affordable rental housing crisis is not delayed or lost. We have recently approved several exciting projects to be built in 2023 with many more affordable rental housing projects at various stages of negotiation, awaiting completion of due diligence and in the early stages of planning. We are finally seeing positive population and demographic changes, which will require a steady, knowledgeable, balanced approach that respects our current residents while welcoming new residents. Recognizing we have a huge infrastructure deficit it is critical we continue investing in our enhanced road repairs and reconstruction programs. I am committed to finding new, creative ways to grow and diversify our local economy. I will continue working hard to ensure our community, our recreation spaces, our social well being, our overall sense of community is not placed at risk or lost.

Ward 2 Bloomfield/Hallowell (2 seats)

Sarah Moffatt

Sarah Moffatt

I grew up in Trenton and have called this area home for the past 30 years. I spent some time living in London and Toronto to complete my schooling and now live in Bloomfield with my fiancé Dan. I have a master’s degree in psychology and am currently practicing social work. I work for Children’s Aid and I’m on the frontline. Every day I am faced with the hardships many in our community are going through. I have also volunteered for and been on the board of directors of several local charities aimed at supporting children and families.

Previous political experience:

This is my first journey into municipal politics; however, it has been an interest of mine for some time now.

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

My work in the social service field has motivated me to run. Prince Edward County has a reputation for being an affluent community; however, there are many people who live paycheck to paycheck or on a fixed income and I worry they are falling through the cracks. I want to ensure that everyone in our community feels represented by our council. I put my name in the ring to offer a fresh perspective and to provide some diversity on council in the hopes of it being a more accurate reflection of our community

As councillor I will ensure that residents feel heard by their representative. I cannot promise that I will always have an answer that you want, but I can promise I will try my best to get the answers you need. I also plan to provide more transparency to how decisions at council are made and help to address and remedy any barriers that residents feel are preventing them from understanding or participating in council meetings.

My priority issues are affordable housing and healthcare recruitment. Council has recently made some steps in the right direction; however, the housing crisis and doctor shortage didn’t happen overnight and these ideas should have been brought forward years ago. I want our next council to be more proactive in planning and less reactive. We need to seek creative revenue streams to fund the services our community desperately need. Through campaigning I am hearing from many residents that they are worried about our environment. They feel that not enough is being done to protect the county’s trees, water, and agricultural land. As we begin to feel the effects of more extreme weather we need to be directing policy that will keep PEC healthy and beautiful for generations to come.  The County is my home. I want to make sure everyone can feel proud to call it theirs too.

Brad Nieman

Brad Nieman

I was born in Prince Edward County and attended C.M.L. Snider in Wellington until the second grade and went on to complete my grade 12 diploma at Paris District High School in Paris, Ontario. I moved back to the County after graduation and have since lived in the Bloomfield Hallowell ward for the last 32 years with my wife, 4 children, and 9 grandchildren. I have been employed as the Underground Infrastructure Supervisor with Loyalist Township for the past 10 years, before that, I was an employee with The County for 20 years. I volunteer with the Bloomfield Hallowell Recreation Committee and have been a part of other various committees within Prince Edward County.

I have over 30 years of experience in Municipal Government and have also held the position of Union President for CUPE Local 1255.

I have served on Prince Edward County Council for 2 terms and I am asking the residents of Bloomfield Hallowell to re-elect me for a third term so I can continue to work on the hard issues affecting residents. Some of the issues I would work on during this term if re-elected are affordable housing, job creation, and doctor shortages, and I would like to continue working on a roundabout at HWY 62 and County Road 1. I believe I have been a strong voice and I hope I can continue to do so for not only Bloomfield Hallowell, but for all residents of Prince Edward County!

Phil Prinzen

Phil Prinzen

Personal background: I was born and raised in PEC and have called PEC home for my entire life. I am married to Selena who was also was born and raised in PEC. We are blessed with 2 beautiful girls who love living here. We are dairy farmers who are privileged to work together every day to run our successful operation on Gilead Road. I am a volunteer firefighter and also a 4-H leader. I feel it is very important to give back to the community you live in. 

Previous political experience: 4 years as councillor for Ward 2 (Bloomfield/ Hallowell)


Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

I have chosen to run for re-election as I believe that I still have a lot to offer for the residents of Ward 2 and PEC as a whole. My first term was a very enjoyable although very different than anyone expected due to the global pandemic. I believe that I bring a common sense approach to meetings and feel like I represent county residents and businesses very well. Council tackled a lot of unseen issues and although maybe not everyone agreed on the outcome I feel the discussions were good and respectful and ultimately a majority voted they way they felt it was best for the community.

I will continue to work on the issues and priorities that I believe are important with those being housing, health care, protection of land and resources and fiscal responsibility. This community needs to be a place that people can afford to live and I have made many decisions with that in mind. It comes back to what we need for our community  and what would be a nice to have. Housing is still a major issue and it will take many small steps to tackle the problem. We need to work with all layers of government to fix the crisis. It’s not something we as a municipal council can do on our own. I will continue to support healthcare whether its through doctor recruitment programs or support for our new hospital – a community will never survive without healthcare. Land protection and natural resource protection is important to me as we need to work with developers to strategically place new housing developments as our premium land is becoming scarce. I will continue to listen to all the residents and businesses of PEC and hope to represent them for another 4 years around the horseshoe.
Ward 3 Wellington (1 seat)
Jennifer Cobb

Jennifer Cobb

I have lived in Wellington for 24 years. As a solo parent, the village has been a supportive, safe place to raise my daughter. These days I live with a Golden Retriever, two cats and three chickens.

I live in Wellington, and I work, play, and shop in the village.

I have a BA from U of T, and possess several Post Graduate Certificates, including a Certificate in Governance from York University’s Schulich School of Business.

As a single parent it was important for me to shape my work around my family responsibilities. I have been lucky to work part-time with the PEC Libraries as their courier. I am also a self-employed Movement Professional with extensive certification and training in Pilates, Yoga, Functional Fitness, Older Adult Fitness, Trauma Informed Yoga, Somatic Trauma Therapy, Pre and Post Natal Pilates, and Somatic Attachment Therapy. I regularly teach 5 classes a week.

I am also a Licensed Wedding Officiant, Freelance Writer, and Property Owner with a full-time tenant. My life is structured so that I enjoy the dual economies of money and time.

I have volunteered and/or raised funds with/for many community organizations including: the County Marathon, Alternatives for Women in PEC, the Wellington Recreation Committee, Wellington Playground Improvement Group, CML Snider Track resurfacing, the Wellington DUKES, and the Millenium Trail resurfacing.

Previous political experience:

I have sat for three terms, 12 years, as the Trustee for North Prince Edward County on the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board. I have Chaired the Audit Committee, Program and Human Resources Subcommittee and the Student Enrollment School Consolidation Committee at different times, and served as the Vice-Chair of the Board in 2020-2021.

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

For representational government to work, greater engagement is required. Too often decisions are made by a few. Wellington faces multiple issues. More voices should be engaged in resolution.

My anti-bias background will help me invite more diverse participation. My governance experience and training will help provide transparent, complete and accessible information.

I will create listening posts, gathering data, information,concerns and questions to carry to Council hoping that more people feel engaged, involved and represented.

Corey Engelsdorfer

Corey Engelsdorfer

I was raised in Wellington. I grew up in the village that I love. It was an amazing childhood. I attended Pinecrest Elementary School in Bloomfield, and from there attended PECI in Picton. In 2004 I left the County to attend Durham College in Oshawa. I enrolled in their Graphic Design program. In 2007, I graduated and secured a placement at Formula Media Group, a division of Torstar. There, I worked on publications such as Carguide, World of Wheels, Boatguide, Canadian AutoWorld, West of the City and the Hamilton Spectator Wheels section. In 2010 I moved back to the County and accepted a position at The Times. In May of 2017 I purchased The Times from Rick Conroy and continue to publish it weekly each Wednesday.

I am an active member and past chair of the Wellington Recreation Committee. I play a large part in Pumpkinfest in the village as well. I am also a member of the Wellington Beach Taskforce Team.

I have 3 kids – Amelia (8), Emmett (6) and Malcolm (11 months). I am engaged to Katie, and we are getting married next summer in the County.

Previous political experience: None

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities (400 words maximum)

I chose to run in Wellington because I am passionate about the village. I may not live in town anymore (my residence is in Ameliasburgh) but my day to day life circles around Wellington. I own and operate the Wellington Times. I spend every day listening to stories and issues from folks on the street. My kids attend CML Snider, and my parents, grandparents and extended family all live in the village.

I also thought it was important to run to add a younger voice to the horseshoe. The next four years are pivotal. Wellington is at the cusp of unprecedented growth. As a long-time resident and business owner who is raising a young family, I have a vested interest in ensuring not only Wellington, but the County as a whole remains a sustainable, healthy and livable community.

If elected, I am looking forward to bringing sensible and level headed decision making to the table.

Heather Norlock

Heather Norlock

I am a Prince Edward County local. Born in raised in Wellington, I lived in 6 houses in Ashgill Gardens, and 1 house on Niles Street before moving to my home on County Road 2. I attended CML Snider from kindergarten to grade 8 and then completed my four years of high school at PECI.

I am currently in my final year of schooling, studying Civil Engineering. I also have diplomas in Interior Decorating and Public Relations.

I owned and operated my own Interior Decorating business in Prince Edward County and ended up closing my doors during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is when I decided to make a career change and return to school. Throughout my schooling I have worked at local motel in Wellington, as a motel manager, and have seen the trials and tribulations with the small businesses and want to make a difference or at least have a voice.

As a young female, with progressive views I feel my voice is needed on council.

I have deep appreciation and love for all of Prince Edward County but my roots are in Wellington. As a young professional I want to encourage, support and advocate for young professionals and young families moving to Wellington. Advocate for more open discussions regarding affordable living and first-time home buying. I want to promote the youth being able to afford to live in their hometown and raise their families here, as I believe the County needs this for the future.

I want to promote the growth of small businesses in our community and to encourage entrepreneurs to open/continue with small businesses in PEC.

I am looking to maintain the small-town feel of Wellington and encourage responsible development for everyone.

Over my 27 years living in Prince Edward County, I have seen rapid growth and change, I would like to be an active partner in the community to manage any further growth and change.

I want to be involved in the community, hear all voices and advocate for my community.

Ward 4 Ameliasburgh (3 seats)

Paul Boyd-Information not submitted

Sam Grosso

I was born and raised in Toronto. My wife and I moved to the County 9 years ago with our family.
Education: I graduated high school in Toronto from Central Tech. Also a graduate of the School of Hard Knocks.
occupation: I have been an entrepreneur for 30 years. 22 of those years I was in the restaurant/hospitality/live music industry and prior to that I had various businesses I owned including retail stores.

Since 2019 I no longer have any businesses in Toronto. Currently I have a business driving folks around the County in my classic cars. It allows me to keep feeding my car addiction and my wife can’t complain too much.

I am also in the process of trying to get a community based venue off the ground. My main passion is live music, booking bands and promoting shows. I would love to bring great music to the County and specifically to a mature audience. Everyone needs a place to be themselves and to dance.

family status: I have been happily married to my wife Lia for 14 years and we have 4 beautiful children: Francesco 15, Sutton, 12, Sammy 10 and Stella 6. Stella runs the show.

community/charity affiliations:

I am looking forward to getting highly involved in Community and charitable organizations in the County.

My family and I have raised funds for BGH and hope to continue supporting local hospitals and staff.

I am the Vice-President of Light of Day Canada, in support of Parkinson’s research. 

My wife and I have a charitable organization called Francesco’s Fund which supports families with children diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at SickKids Hospital.

Now that Covid is over I hope to get involved in more locally based charities including supporting the Picton Hospital.

 I am also donating my time for an Alzheimer’s Drive in Picton in the near future.

Previous political experience: None!

Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

Living and raising my children in this community I have truly come to love where I live. I can see the changes taking place in the County as a whole and understand (thanks to my wife’s family history, friends and neighbours) where we as a community have been.

I’ve always had close ties to where I live and I love interacting with people, and trying to help when I can. I know what it’s like to be frustrated when you see things happening and don’t feel you have a voice, or when you try to reach out and no one responds. I really am the kind of person who enjoys speaking with folks and I answer my phone- I want to be there for my community and bring their concerns and ideas to the table.

Ward 4 is a huge area and at times we get left out of the equation when it comes to decision making, the use of municipal funds and projects. Our roads are terrible and we have massive property taxes. These issues need to be highlighted. Tax hikes need to be on hold. The economy is struggling.
Municipal funds need to be spread out throughout the County not just in Picton, Bloomfield and Wellington.
Practically speaking where does the funds from Tourism go? Primarily it goes to the Provincial and Federal governments. How does the municipality benefit from Tourism? Lobbying those bodies for support in municipal projects is a must for a thriving community.
We need more full-time firemen and police officers in ward 4
Our resident’s need via jobs which bring in a living wage. Children need the opportunity to be educated, grow, acquire employment, get a home and thrive here.
Janice Maynard-Information not submitted
Roy Pennell

Roy Pennell


I am a lifelong resident of Prince Edward County. I have resided at 1239 Salem Road on the family farm for almost fifty years. I am a proud father to daughter Melinda and son-in-law Jason, and grandson Hunter. Sadly, in 2018 I became a widower (Sally) however I have carried on with the family farming to date.

I served as ward 4 Councillor 2014-2018 and have continued to keep up to date on our local politics. I have always been supportive and involved in the community and have volunteered in PEC for over fifty years. I.e. Chairman of Ameliasburgh Fair,member of the Recreation Board, supporter of the Prince Edward Hospital Foundation

Prior to amalgamation, I was the youngest person ever to be electected for council representing Ameliasburgh.

While serving as a previous councillor, I kept well informed on day to day business as it related to duties and responsibilities as an elected member of the community representing you.

I am always available by email but gladly welcome calls to my home. As we are elected to represent all taxpayers, then I feel it should be your choice as to how your concerns are brought forward to me. I am approachable, accountable and achievable.

If elected, I promise a common sense approach with continuous evaluation as to what works and what doesn’t work. As an elected member of your community, I promise to work with the council to ensure we constantly evaluate in order to strengthen our governance for you.

Bill Tkach

Bill Tkach

Personal background:

Toronto; Degree in Urban Planning from the University of Toronto;  recently retired;  married; no affiliations

Previous political experience:  none
Reasons for becoming a candidate/priorities

After numerous enjoyable visits to Prince Edward County throughout the years, my wife Sharon and I finally moved here permanently in the spring of 2013. Since then, we’ve had the joy of experiencing a new challenge by starting our small family vineyard, now in its 10th year, which provides grapes to local wineries. We are immensely proud!

I spent more than 25 years in the financial industry as a sales executive dealing with a diverse sales force, continuously delivering on targets while maintaining budgets. As of earlier this year, I am retired, and the way I would like to spend my time is by giving back to a place that has so warmly welcomed my family and the place we all proudly call home, The County. I believe the best way to do this is to run for council.

I have always been interested in politics and feel that the varied experience I have gained throughout my career will allow me to address the issues of The County by bringing a new and challenging insight to council. The vibrant growth in The County needs clear and effective management to ensure it is beneficial to both the ‘old’ and the ‘new’. Over the years here, I have become acutely aware of not only the needs of PEC’s agricultural community but those of all The County’s residents. I am committed to focused spending in order to deliver the best possible service with no waste.

Coworkers have labelled me with a “get things done” attitude and I feel that my innovative thinking and ability to use common sense to make rational decisions will be a benefit to the constituents of Ameliasburgh and The County.

I am committed to learning your issues, delivering them to council and making sure funds allocated to The County work efficiently for The County.

Ward 5 Athol (1 seat)

Sam Branderhorst

Sam Branderhorst

I’m Sam Branderhorst  (nee Kuipers) and I would love to be your next Ward 5 (Athol) Councillor. I was born and raised in PEC, grew up on my family’s dairy farm, played in PECSA leagues, and was a passionate volunteer for my community. After attending and gradating from Queen’s University, I returned home and decided to plant my roots here in the County. I co-founded Shatterbox Theatre with a mission to foster local talent, share inspiring stories, and provide great entertainment to our community. I continue to live and work on a dairy farm with my husband and two young kids, here in Athol Ward. Prince Edward County is my home; I loved growing up here. I want PEC to be the most welcoming and inclusive community that it can be.

I wanted to run for Council this term because Prince Edward County is changing and growing and I want to be a part of that process. I want to embrace new changes that benefit the year-round economy but protect the many wonderful things about the County that makes us so unique. Our natural landscapes, agriculture and quiet, friendly way of life. I don’t want to forget our roots. I really want my children to grow up in a community that they are proud to call their home and I will work incredible hard to do so.

A few things I’m passionate about:

  • Health care
  • Protecting the land and water
  • Infrastructure
  • Economic and environmental sustainability
  • Fostering a sense of belonging
  • People in the PEC community!

I’m committed to having good honest conversations with our community members. I want to learn and grow. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to listen and talk with you to find them. I’m hoping you will trust me with your thoughts and feelings and know that I’m someone you can count on. I’m running for you. I believe in respectful communication where no one is left out; everyone is heard and gets a chance to speak.

How do we make sure the County is moving in a direction that is feasible and prosperous for all who live and play here? This is the question that I am committed to answering through thoughtful collaboration and meaningful conversations. I’m here for the long haul and most importantly, here for you.



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