A documentary on the story of Belleville’s “Festival of Lights” will get a showing next month.
The film, “In thy Dark Streets Shineth: the story of Belleville’s Festival of Lights” will be screened during this year’s Belleville Downtown DocFest Virtual International Documentary Film Festival.
Funded by the Hastings County Historical Society, the documentary explores the story of the traffic accident which prompted the original lighting display, and how the display has evolved over the past 60 years.
That accident on Christmas Eve 1958 took the lives of Art “Sonny” Culloden and Billy Foster.
The documentary was first proposed in 2019 by Lighting Display & Gateway Signage Committee member Councillor Kelly McCaw in hopes to preserve the story behind the display.
DocFest will run virtually from March 4 to 13 this year.
Passes can be purchased online now in bundles of six, 12 and 24 tickets, and single tickets will be available during the festival.
One ticket will allow viewers to access one film.
Once the film becomes available during the festival, viewers have three days to unlock it and 24 hours to finish watching it.
For more information and the complete list of films, visit: https://www.downtowndocfest.ca/
DocFest will run virtually from March 4 to 13 this year.
Passes can be purchased online.