A decision on survey questions for some Thurlow ward residents regarding public transit service is expected to be made at Belleville council’s next meeting.
At Monday’s meeting council decided the two questions suggested by staff needed more context and asked staff for another report for its next meeting.
Staff had proposed asking whether the respondent was a resident of Thurlow ward and secondly whether they’d support paying for some of the cost of public transit in their local taxes.
The new questions will focus on whether residents in the area in and around Cannifton believe public transit should be a core service in the city and if so if they would support partially paying for it through their property taxes.
Finally, it’s likely the survey will offer an example of what the extra cost would be on a property valued at $325,000.
Public transit is now being offered in the Cannifton area but only as a pilot project that comes to an end later this year.
When finally approved the survey would be posted on the city’s website and the public would be informed that it was available to complete.