In late September, Concerned Citizens for our Community Environments Inc. (CCCE) commenced a legal challenge against the Township of Stone Mills (the Township) for its handling of the proposed Intensive Hog Operation in Erinsville (north of Napanee).
CCCE is asking the court to overturn Township Council’s decision to approve a Site Plan Control Application for the development of an Intensive Livestock Operation behind the hamlet of Erinsville by Slack Family Farms Inc. (Slack).
Slack was formally served with the application on November 14 asking for an initial response by end of day, or November 19, if Slack wished to participate. No response was received.
However, Mr. Mark Slack did appear in person at a November 20 scheduling hearing.
The Honourable Justice McLean of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice advised Slack to retain legal counsel.
He also advised that Slack’s counsel should obtain more information from counsel for the Township and CCCE before the next court hearing date, scheduled for November 27.
Slack has been asked to advise at that time if they wish to participate in the application or not, so that a full schedule leading to the hearing of the application can be set.
CCCE has submitted in its application, amongst other things, that Stone Mills Township proceeded contrary to Ontario’s Municipal Act by holding an improper closed door meeting prior to voting on the proposal, failed to provide proper notice or allow public input, failed to consider hydrogeological and other relevant evidence as well as the risk to public health and safety, and failed to consider the Planning Act, Ontario’s Provincial Policy Statement, and the Township’s Official Plan as legally required. CCCE’s legal fundraising campaign to support the application is ongoing.
SUBMITTED TO QUINTE NEWS BY Concerned Citizens for our Community Environments Inc.