Prince Edward County council will be making a decision on how to handle an operating budget deficit at its virtual meeting Tuesday night.
The county finished 2019 with an operating deficit of a little over $244,000.
Main contributors to the budget overrun were wage and benefit costs at H.J. McFarland Home, winter control costs, and higher than expected costs for recruitment, terminations, and legal services.
County staff is recommending the $244,000 be paid by dipping into the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve.
Meanwhile close to $1 million worth of roadwork is coming up for a decision Tuesday as well.
County staff is recommending the lowest of two bids from Miller Paving for microsurfacing stretches of County Roads 5, 7, 22, and 33.
The application of microsurfacing can extend a road’s life by eight years and enhances road’s skid resistance.
Miller Paving’s bid came in at $898,000.