The Bleecker Avenue playground area will undergo some work.
Hasting County Community and Human Services met on Wednesday morning and approved a tender for just over $91,000 to replace the deteriorated sidewalks and the gravel around the play structure at 424 Bleecker Avenue.
CSL Group Ltd. was the lowest of three bidders.
Councillor Terry Cassidy asked how they could get better estimates as the committee initially budgeted for $72,000 for this project.
Jim Duffin says Jewell Engineering was consulted for the estimate but that was pre-COVID, and the cost of everything has risen since then.
The committee also approved a tender for work to replace the deteriorated fencing at Tracey Park Drive in Belleville.
There were four quotes received above the budgeted $155,000 for the project.
The committee elected to award the work to Parkside Landscaping and Contracting for $162,835.
Both shortfalls are expected to be covered within the overall capital budget.