Director Erin Rivers answered, “I understand your concerns. Before we ever deny anyone any type of assistance or any type of program we always run a reasonableness test. I do have to echo that sentiment that with the position that I am in, I have to think of more than just one person. If they are a danger or a threat I have to take that into consideration and they would have to likely go through the private market to look for a place to live.”
Culhane questioned the extent of security in the Home for Good housing.
Rivers replied, “During the pandemic we have had a number of issues with regards to visitors coming into the homes in the building. Our Home for Good coordinator is working with our partners as well as the security company to address those issues.”
Belleville Councillor Chris Malette added, “The good of the whole in the system is what’s needed to be protected…Staff do amazing work in accommodating people. Only as a last straw is it that people are in fact evicted from any of our housing.”