Prince Edward County is preparing for the day when the emergency orders in Ontario will be lifted and have named the members of their economic recovery team.
Mayor Steve Ferguson says there is a representation across a range of economic sectors and the team has the broad perspective needed to chart a path of recovery from this pandemic.
The mayor, along with councillors Mike Harper, Phil St-Jean, Jamie Forrester and Bill Roberts, will also participate with 10 other community members.
The recovery team will help identify needs, assist in the flow of communication and better equip the municipality to respond to challenges with programs and activities that leverage support at all levels.
The Mayor’s Economic Recovery Team includes:
- Mayor Ferguson, Chair
- Councillors Mike Harper, Phil St-Jean, Jamie Forrester and Bill Roberts
- Adam Busscher, Construction Sector
- Alexandra Bake, Retail Sector
- Rick Szabo, Hospitality Sector
- Krista Dalby, Arts Sector
- Sandy Latchford, Professional/Not for Profit Sector
- Samantha Parsons, Value Added Agriculture/Manufacturing Sector
- Nora Rogers, Accommodations Sector
- Phil Prinzen, Agriculture Sector
- Lesley Lavender, Prince Edward County Chamber of Commerce
- Sarah Doiron, Picton Business Improvement Association