Highland Shores CAS (HSCA) supports the Province’s decision to include Children’s Aid Societies in their list of essential businesses, organizations, and social services under the recent state of emergency order.
Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies are focused on the safety, protection and well-being of children and youth, and strengthening families during this crisis, while also following the guidance of Public Health Ontario and our local health units on public health and safety matters.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, HSCA’s commitment to serving children, youth, and families remains steadfast. While some services have been restricted in order to limit the spread of infection, staff and community partners are doing good work to ensure the most vulnerable in our community are taken care of.
“We continue to provide Child, Youth and Family Services (CYFSA) and court-mandated services at this time, but if you visit any one of our offices, you will be asked screening questions prior to entry if entry is deemed necessary by staff.
Non-essential meetings have been cancelled until minimally April 5 and most staff are working from home. As always, we welcome speaking with our community and our phone lines are open”, said Tami Callahan, Executive Director.
Ms. Callahan also reminds the public that if anyone has a concern about the safety or well-being of a child or youth under 18, they should immediately call the Society, day or night, at 1 800 267 0570.
“We are also updating our website regularly with our plans and key contact numbers. Additionally, staff have worked with The Children’s Foundation and the local school boards to ensure children and families continue to have access to an enhanced Food for Learning program,” advised Callahan.
If you know of a family in need, please call the Society at 613 962 9291 and ask to speak with Laurie Mick.The Society would like to thank the public for their patience during this challenging time.
Ms. Callahan further acknowledges the dedicated staff who are working tirelessly to serve families and helping to keep children and youth safe in our communities. This includes those staff who are providing the supportive services to keep the business operating.