A large number of residents turned up on Monday night to discuss a pot production facility in Tyendinaga Township.
CAO Brad Roach told Quinte News most of those in attendance at the public meeting at the Tyendinaga Recreation Hall were opposed to the facility because of its proximity to a school and church and the water consumption.
Roach says it may be a while before a decision is made.
Wolfe Island Cannabis, if approved, would grow marijuana in an 8,600 square foot facility on Old Highway 2, just east of Briar Fox Golf Course in Marysville, with a small 800 square foot addition and would have between 10 and 40 employees.
Roach says the company isn’t looking to change the exterior of the buildings much but the company would be putting up a security fence as required by Health Canada and the Government of Canada for any marijuana production facility.
If approved, the facility would also need to be in compliance with township zoning by-laws.
Roach said the biggest concern raised at the public meeting was water usage and he stated Wolfe Island has done extensive studies on water usage but feels council and residents would like a little more investigation done concerning water usage in the area.