UPDATED @ 4:05 p.m. Along with the wonderful BBQ today sponsored by the Trenton Rotary Club and Our TMH in Memory of Phil Panelas, Our TMH also received two new gifts. A gift of $10,000 from St. Paul’s high school from their Colour Run event and a new bench outside the ER donated by the Frankford Lions Club.
Today was a bittersweet day at the annual Trenton Memorial Hospital volunteer and staff appreciation barbecue in memory of Phil Panelas.
Phil passed away in January, making this the first year the barbecue has been held without him.
Executive Director Wendy Warner says it was his wish that this barbecue continue long after he’s gone.
The barbecue is held annually as a way to thank TMH staff and volunteers and is co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Trenton and the Our TMH Board of Directors.