The discussion on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indigenous Peoples comes to our doorstep this week.
The federal Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs is on a five-day study accross the country and on Friday, MP Mike Bossio will bring it to the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, for a discussion with Chief R. Don Maracle and the band council.
The goal of the tour is to better understand the issues that affect the negotiation and implementation of various land claims and to to better understand the outcomes for Indigenous communities.
The day begins with panel discussions at the Travelodge Hotel in Belleville, featuring representatives from various First Nations communities and will wrap up with a two hour visit to the Tyendinaga Territory in the afternoon.
At the end of the trip, the committee will continue to study the information it has gathered into the fall.
Anyone who wants to comment on the study can submit a brief or comment through the committee website.