Stirling-Rawdon council is moving toward smartening up its sanding and salting capabilities during the cold months.
Council gave approval for the purchase of two to four so called “road watch” devices to be installed along with GPS systems on its main snow plow trucks and its road patrol truck.
The “road watch” systems will measure the temperature of any road’s surface, and will alert staff to apply sand and salt to some areas, such as bridges, even while the air temperature is above freezing.
Meanwhile, the GPS systems will track exactly when plows are actually working, and when and where sand and salt is released, along with measuring how much of each is used.
On another subject, people driving out of or in to the village of Stirling on Ridge Road could be noticing a heavier police presence in the coming days.
Stirling Rawdon council has passed a bylaw making permanent a 60 kmh speed limit from Sutherland Road to just east of Evergreen Road.