Over the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend from October 7th – 10th, 2016 Central Hastings OPP joined its policing partners for Operation Impact, a national road safety campaign that focuses on impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding and lack of occupant restraint (the Big 4).
Members of Central Hastings OPP issued 66 speeding, 6 distracted driving and 5 seatbelt charges as well as 1 driver’s licence suspension – Warn range. Officers also conducted nine RIDE Programs and responded to 10 traffic complaints, 4 motor vehicle collisions and 66 calls for service in total.
In addition on October 8, 2016 at 1:15 p.m., Central Hastings OPP observed a vehicle speeding on Highway 62 near North Jordan Lake Road in Tudor-Cashel Township. The car was travelling 140 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone. As a result the 23 year old male driver of Ajax, ON was charged for Operate a Motor Vehicle while Performing a Stunt speeding contrary to the Highway Traffic Act. His driver’s licence was seized and his vehicle was impounded, both for a period of seven days.