Prince Edward County mayor Robert Quaiff says the municipality will be investigating ways to improve turnover rates within committees after a handful of recreation members resigned recently.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, council accepted resignations from Kathleen Fillmore as a voting member of the Hillier Ward Recreation Committee along with Renay Weismann-Stanner and Garry Lewis as a voting members of the Sophiasburgh Recreation Committee. Council declared the voting member seat held by Kristy Mills on the Sophiasburgh Ward Recreation Committee vacant, due to three or more successive absences from meetings.
Mayor Quaiff says the high turn over isn’t necessarily a bad thing adding many of them remain active in other local projects. He said the reason for the resignations could be their interests have moved on or they’re volunteering for so many things they just don’t have time.
He suggested the County follow up with phone calls to find out why they resigned along with a letter thanking them for their service.
Mayor Robert Quaiff committees
Kathleen Fillmore was appointed to the Picton Ward Recreation Committee. Peggy Rainville, Jim Rose and Jo-anne Rose were appointed to the Sophiasburgh Ward Recreation Committee.