A Statement of Claim filed by a Tyendinaga Territory man made some large allegations and some even larger requests.
This week, papers were filed in Toronto by several people, including Andrew Clifford Miracle.
Miracle has asked that the courts stop a decision which would see a gas station he claims he owns, be turned over to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
He claims that the courts and the government do not have authority on the claim, as it is on sovereign land and he is not a Canadian citizen.
In his largest request, Miracle is seeking damages in the range of $2-3 quadrillion and that the government, and the Queen, not set foot on his land.
According to files obtained by Quinte News, the requests were dismissed by the courts.
Meantime, another former property of Miracle’s is up for sale.
The site on Highway 49 formerly housed a cigarette-making operation, however, it has since been closed down and handed over, by the courts, to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
There are several interested parties for the land, and the sale closes September 19.