The City of Belleville has released its proposed operating budget for 2025 and is asking for residents’ input on it on the city’s website.
The proposed operating budget totals almost $227 million but ratepayers will only be responsible for a little over $138 million of that total.
When all is said and done, the budget shows a tax rate increase of 5.07 per cent over last year and meets the target of a five per cent increase set by Mayor Neil Ellis under Strong Mayor regulations.
One of the largest increases is for the police department at just under 11 per cent on an almost $29 million budget.
Staff are also suggesting approximately 10 new employees be hired, although one would be temporary and another on contract.
Another feature in the draft document is a one-time investment of $250,000 for what’s called a Family Physician Appreciation Fund.
Under the proposal, existing physicians with at least 500 patients would be able to apply once a year for a maximum of $10,000 if they accept new patients or to pay for new equipment, training, or benefits.
Last year, Belleville’s property assessment increased by over three per cent which will serve to bring additional tax revenue to the city.
Council will discuss the draft budget at a special meeting February 20. Public input on the proposed spending is welcome here.
Council has already approved its 2025 capital budget.
In neighboring municipalities, Prince Edward County’s operating budget increased taxes by 3.79 per cent while in Quinte West the increase was 6.7 per cent.