Nine people have applied to fill the Municipality of Brighton’s council vacancy.
Steph Hails, Laurie Caouette, Mary McEwan, Jake DeGroot, Hannah MacAusland, Joyce Cassin, Mohamed (Mo) Khan, Laura Knegt, and Doug Leblanc have put their names forward to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Byron Faretis.
Three candidates withdrew from the appointment application process including: Drew MacDonald, Christina Bergmann, and Clifford Clark.
Council will hold a special meeting for candidate presentations on Friday, January 24 at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will take place in person at the Municipal Council Chambers and will also be streamed live. Council may require an additional special meeting to continue deliberations and make their selection.
A further meeting will be held January 27, if required, with the new member officially appointed and to take their Oath of Office at the February 3 meeting (6:30 p.m.).
Council Review of Candidates:
All candidates will be invited to attend this Special Council Meeting for the purpose of council to receive a presentation from the candidates.
To ensure fairness and consistency, only those who are seeking appointment will be permitted to address council during the meeting.
Application documentation received from eligible candidates will be included on the agenda and available to the public.
Candidates will be called upon in alphabetical order, by last name, to provide their presentation to council. Candidates may present to council for not more than five minutes each unless otherwise permitted by council.
Candidate Selection Process:
After the last candidate presentation, council may discuss the candidate presentations and deliberate to make their selection by a majority vote, or council may hold deliberations and selection of a candidate at a Special Council Meeting scheduled in advance for that purpose. In the event that there is only one eligible candidate application received, the clerk, or designate, will declare that candidate appointed by acclamation. Once the successful candidate is chosen, a by-law to appoint the successful candidate will be brought forward to the next available regular council meeting where they will take their Oath of Office. Any orientation for the new member of council will be arranged by the clerk’s office in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer.
Click here for a link to the list of candidates, along with their contact information and biographies.