“Cost of living is the number one issue. Groceries are expected to cost another $800 again this year. The GST holiday this government’s offered is only going to save the average Canadian $4.51. That’s not going to cut it.”
He says although affordability will be the most important issue, it will not be the only one.
“I’m the critic for trade. Trade is a big issue this year, how we’re going to handle a new Trump presidency. What does that mean for local manufacturing, what does that mean for Canada as a whole? I’m spending a lot of time on policy, on how we have Canada first policies, to stand up for Canadians and workers and ensure we have a good trade deal, whenever we form government. Making sure this government, as much as it’s in power right now, stands up for Canadians.”
Williams added that more affordable housing and rental prices that the average person can afford is critical.