Northumberland Peterborough South Conservative MP Philip Lawrence is confident Candians will vote for change in 2025 whenever the next federal election is held.
He says he will continue to put the interests of the residents of his riding first.
He knows the possibility of 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian goods going into the United States is concerning for many.
“I think what most Canadians want is a, is a strong government that’s able to put Canada first, stand up and get our economy back in motion.”
With the House of Commons on a break for at least the month of January and perhaps beyond, he expects to be making many appearances around the riding.
It may be his last visit to some parts, as his riding’s boundary is changing.
“Instead of it being Northumberland-Peterborough South it will be renamed Northumberland-Clarke. Basically, the boundary will now follow Rice Lake and so there will no longer be any of Peterborough County in the riding.”
The Peterborough South portion of his riding will join Peterborough-Kawartha.
A federal election must be held on or before October 20.