The ongoing postal strike has impacted the City of Belleville’s ability to mail Property Tax Monthly Pre-Authorized Payment Change Notices, which are normally sent in December of each year. If you are enrolled in a monthly pre-authorized payment plan for property taxes, your payment plan amount will change effective January 2025.
The new amounts due monthly will be 50 per cent of the property taxes billed for the 2024 year, divided into six approximately equal instalments from January to June. Payments will continue to be charged to your bank account effective the start of January 2025.
Pre-authorized plan letters will be mailed following the resolution of the postal strike. Those wishing to access their letters immediately are encouraged to visit City Hall to pick them up one week following their December payment plan date (during operating hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Alternatively, you can email with your property address, phone number, roll number and access code/PIN number (found at the top left of your final 2024 bill), to provide the city permission to send your notice by email. Please note: for email services you must provide full contact details, including email address and phone number.
For more information about property taxes, visit, email or call 613-967-3243.