Prince Edward County’s audit committee has withdrawn plans to seek a third party review of the county’s project management capacity.
During a special meeting of the committee on Wednesday, members of the committee discussed a motion that would have prompted a third party to evaluate the project management procedures of the county, to ensure they have the means to manage large scale projects. The motion was prompted over the ongoing large scale water and wastewater project in Wellington, which would link the Wellington water grid with Picton’s, and run them both off a single water plant.
As a result of that meeting, the original motion was withdrawn, with a pair of new ones being put forward in its stead.
The first motion was for the committee to recommend to council that staff bring forward a draft of the project management manual to the committee for comments by the second quarter of 2025.
The second motion was to recommend that council have staff bring forward the scope for a portfolio management contract for major capital projects for review by the end of first quarter 2025.
The original motion was withdrawn in favour of the two new ones, due to a motion by county council on August 27 to defer new water and wastewater construction while processes were reviewed to minimize financial risks and provide clearer communication. Because this motion called to take similar action to what the council was already doing, the motion was withdrawn and the two new motions were put forward to contribute to the effort set in motion by council.
The original motion was put forth at the August 15 audit committee meeting, where it was deferred.
Both new motions passed.