The Ontario Green Party Candidate for the Bay of Quinte by-election spoke to Quinte News Thursday.
Lori Borthwick says she has been with the Greens for six years.
In 2019, she helped begin the constituency association in the riding.
“I found a home in Greens because we really believe in the participatory democracy. Each member is able to bring forth policies. I think a lot of people feel disenfranchised.”
She has two children and three step-children.
Borthwick says she and her partner are concerned about the health care system.
“A lot of patients are without access to primary care. The least expensive care is primary care and if we can get people preventative care, we can really reduce costs. Most of the money you spend on a person’s health care, in our system currently, is spent in the last few days of their life.”
“There is an overriding concern about our world right now and some of the challenges we’re facing as we look towards a warming earth. Warmer than we expected in the past.”
“I live one block from the Grace Inn shelter and one block from the Bridge Street United Outreach. I can see the suffering.”
She believes in supporting the LGBTQ community as well.
“The Green Party has always supported LGBTQ and allies. We realize that love is love and there should not be, hopefully in the future there won’t be, any prejudice against how a person chooses to identify or whom they choose to love.”
The by-election is set for Thursday September 19.