“Learn how to get back to being themselves, how to cope with their mental health. How to feel good about themselves again. Increasing that self-worth, increasing their self esteem, getting them to realize that, you know, they are amazing human beings and that they’re going to make a difference one day in this world.”
The funding will last one year.
After that, Coolen says they will look for more grants and donations to continue the programs.

Bay of Quinte MPP Todd Smith meets with QWYC Program Coordinator Allie Dafoe, Executive Director Jessica Coolen and Fundraiser and Donor Relations Specialist Hailey Borden at the Quinte West Youth Centre, May 19, 2023. (Tim Durkin/Quinte News)
The youth centre provides support for youth from age ten through 18 offering resources, programming and leisure activities.
Programs include mental health and life skill supports, cooking, art, wellness, sports, photography, video games and community volunteer opportunities.
Audio Player“So every youth that comes in, they walk away with life skills. They walk away with preparedness to be adults. To learn how to be contributing community members and we ensure that every youth feels supported, they feel safe and they feel welcome and they can express who they truly are within our space.”
Youth attending the facility also receive a meal and snack.
In 2022, the Quinte West Youth Centre supported 173 unique youth who made 2,397 visits to the centre.