Northumberland County tree planters led the list of Forests Ontario award winners at the organization’s annual conference last week.
The awards ceremony honoured important contributors to forestry and the environment.
Art Marvin, Glenn McLeod, Bill Newell & Laird Nelson received the Most Valuable Planter Award which recognizes an outstanding individual or organization for their contribution to restoring ecosystem health through tree planting initiatives.
Marvin started in northwestern Ontario fresh out of college, then moved to the Cornwall area with Ministry of Natural Resources Forestry operations. After a stint with the St. Lawrence Parks Commission, Marvin retired and moved back to the family farm near Port Hope.
McLeod had a long career with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Most of his early career was at Orono Nursery as Superintendent with a short stint at St. Williams Nursery. When the nurseries were closed, Glenn went to the Stewardship Council program in Northumberland. Upon retirement, he became one of Forests Ontario’s first Field Advisors.
Newell started his forestry career at the Ganaraska Conservation Authority where he worked on a number of projects including the landowner tree planting program. For the second half of his career, he went out on his own as a forestry consultant working for some of the same landowners, as well as organizations, like Ontario Power Generation and Northumberland Land Trust.
Nelson started his career with Forest Industry Equipment Research Organization. He then moved to the woodlands division of Domtar working in both Cornwall and Trenton. He retired as the Woodlands Manager of the Trenton operations.