NOTICE: County seeks members for multiple committees
The County is continuing to recruit a diverse range of dedicated community volunteers to serve on several municipal committees.
Citizen committees provide Council and staff with input about a wide variety of subjects through discussions, presentations and recommendations. Some committees also organize and participate in community events.
Becoming a member of a citizen committee offers residents a unique chance to volunteer their highly valued skills and knowledge to strengthen our shared sense of community.
The County is looking to fill the following vacancies:
Elections Joint Compliance Audit Committee – 1 member
Public Library Board – 1 member
Picton BIA Board of Management – 1 member
Picton Town Hall Board of Management – 2 members
Wellington Waterfront Task Team – 3 members
Ameliasburgh Recreation Board – 3 members
Bloomfield/Hallowell Recreation Board – 2 members
Sophiasburgh Recreation Board – 1 members
Any permanent resident, property owner, or business owner in Prince Edward County that is 16 years of age or older is eligible to apply for most committees. The Public Library Board is governed by the Public Libraries Act which has additional criteria for members including Canadian citizenship and not being employed by the Library Board or the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward.
If you have any questions, please contact the Clerkâs Office at or call 613.476.2148 extension 1020 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.