Hastings-Lennox and Addington votes have once again chosen a Conservative to lead the riding, but it will be a new person.
Shelby Kramp-Neuman was elected on Monday night, although there are still thousands of votes to be counted.
She defeated Liberal MP Mike Bossio who called Kramp-Neuman late Monday evening to congratulate her.
Bossio was the MP for the riding from 2015-2019, but lost to then Conservative candidate Derek Sloan.
As of 2 a.m., Kramp-Neuman had a lead of more than 5,000 votes.
Kramp-Neuman spoke to Quinte News late Monday evening.
Audio PlayerAudio Player“I would like to thank the voters of Hastings-Lennox and Addington because they put a tremendous amount of support and confidence in me and I certainly won’t let them down.”
“It’s been a very long and difficult road. I took a few curve balls to get here, but a huge thanks and shout out to my family. My husband and my daughters have been simply amazing, given me the flexibility to chase this dream of mine that I’ve had for a long time.”
Liberal Mike Bossio spoke to the Decision 2021 panel on 800 CJBQ late Monday evening and was very thankful about his team.
Audio Player“We ran a fantastic campaign, we had an amazing team. I’ve always been humbled by the number of people that were willing to sacrifice so much time and energy to help me on this journey and I am just eternally grateful to all of them.”
(Note: Tuesday morning there will be more than 3,700 votes still to count for the riding from mail-in ballots, but that will not change the result.)

HL&A Liberal candidate Mike Bossio arrives at his Napanee election party (Photo: Ryan Peddigrew/Quinte News)