The Town of Deseronto has passed its 2021 Budget with an average 1.49% tax increase for the average ratepayer.
Council passed the $6,449,423 budget at its meeting on Wednesday, saying it addresses the unique challenges the past year has brought while focusing on the longer term planning and operational needs of the community.
A homeowner with an average assessed home valued at $158,835 can expect to see their overall tax bill increase by an estimated 1.49 % or $40.55 for the year.
Mayor Dan Johnston says, “With investment being made in many key areas we are excited to get to work for our community and implement the projects within.”
Some 2021 budget highlights include:
• Public Works- $730,500 for capital, to include road and culvert rehabilitation projects on Thomas Street and on Main Street, replacement of the backhoe and the completion of the new public works building. Federal Gas Tax and Ontario Community Infrastructure funds will help pay for these projects.
• Community Centre-$685,340 for upgrades that includes roof repairs, new seating, rejuvenation of the tennis courts for a multipurpose sports pad, improved access to the gym and an accessible entrance directly to the banquet hall. Funding for this is achieved in part through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) Recreation Stream.
• Emergency Services- The replacement of a Fire Pumper/Tanker truck at $400,000
• Wastewater Treatment- $375,000 will replace the aging water meters for the Town
• Planning-Two projects have been approved that will support Planning and Development of the Town: a service delivery review and strategic plan, as well as updates to the Asset Management Plan to support Long term financial planning for the community. These will be possible through Provincial Modernization Funding.