“The social conservatives, the fiscal conservatives, the red tories…we have to unite under that big tent and unite to defeat the federal government, the government of Justin Trudeau.”
Meanwhile, Conservative Party President for Bay of Quinte riding Steve Halloran is looking forward to working with the new leader.
Erin O’Toole has been a good friend of Bay of Quinte and making that connection with us that he does on a regular basis, keeping that relationship strong in Ottawa will definitely help us in the Bay of Quinte area.”
“It took us a little bit longer than we expected but it was certainly worth the wait. I’m excited for our party, but I’m more excited for our country. I think we have the Prime Minister in waiting now, a gentleman who has a vision to make Canada a more stronger and prosperous nation.”
He says when the next federal election rolls around, O’Toole will be the type of candidate that appeals to a wide range of voters.
“Erin’s a centrist, pragmatic individual with a great background, a lawyer and military background. Someone who really appeals across the spectrum and so I see Erin as an excellent future prime minister as he can bring a consensus to Canada that’s long since been missing.”
And Lawrence says that rounded experience leads him to believe O’Toole will be able to unify Canadians from coast to coast.