Chief Woos of Grizzly House addresses the media at a press conference following a day of meeting with Tyendinaga Mohawk members at the Mohawk Community Centre on February 21, 2020. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)
He says once that happens they will be willing to talk to the federal government.
The Mohawks have been camping out near the CN Rail line at Wyman Road in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en, prompting CN Rail and Via Rail to cancel trains for the past two weeks.

Seth Lefort of the Tyendinaga Mohawks addresses the media at a press conference following a day of meeting with Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs at the Mohawk Community Centre on February 21, 2020. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)
Chief Woos says the Mohawks have agreed with the Minister of Indigenous Services, Marc Miller, to a peaceful exit plan once the RCMP have left Wet’suwet’en Territory.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the blockades must come down and the onus is now on Indigenous leaders during a press conference earlier in the day.