County resident and former Environmental Review Tribunal hearing appellant John Hirsch speaks to the committee of the whole on Tuesday September 19, 2017. (Photo: Nicole Kleinsteuber / Quinte News)
The County has unanimously agreed to defer the amended Road Users Agreement with WPD White Pines due to incomplete information.
At a special committee of the whole meeting on Tuesday, the horseshoe decided to defer the agreement after staff advised them there are still incomplete applications involving property agreements, road use and distribution line work under review. The amended agreement is needed as the scope of the original project was downsized considerably from 29 to nine turbines and there are plans to have transmission lines run above ground as opposed to underneath.
Currently WPD has moved in construction equipment to some of its nine industrial turbine sites that sit on private property in South Marysburgh. Staff informed the gallery that the company is currently operating on a previous RUA from last year that allows them to move equipment in.
Mayor Robert Quaiff said he thinks WPD should have contacted the municipality to illustrate ‘that they are good and don’t require an amendment.’ When pressed by Quinte News, Quaiff admitted the last letter penned by WPD threatening legal action if the County didn’t comply with the amended RUA wasn’t necessary.
The committee also heard from Cheryl Anderson, of the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists who stated she is concerned about road use involving changes to two intersections on Lighthall and Royal Roads as well as increased traffic on Bond Road Maypul Lane and Royal Road – known foraging areas of the endangered Blandings Turtle.
“As long as the turtles continue to come in the fall, construction should not be allowed,” said Anderson. “This creates a dangerous nesting area for turtles. They are endangered and it is our responsibility to protect them.”