Lawyer Kris Bonn is leading a class action lawsuit against late former Belleville orthodontist Garry Solomon. (Photo: Quinte News / File)
The local lawyer spearheading a class action lawsuit against late former orthodontist Garry Solomon says the civil matter, filed on September 29th, is proceeding despite his death.
Kris Bonn and Toronto-based lawyer Darcy Merkur from the firm Thomson-Rogers, are co-council on the class action which at this point, has about 50 potential victims signed on between the two firms.
Bonn tells Quinte News given Solomon’s broad client base, more people could be eligible to join the claim.
Bonn says those who were recorded and identified during the investigation into Solomon have been notified.
He says the goal is to get compensation for the victims for the violation of their privacy and what they’ve had to go through.
Bonn adds while the proceedings have currently been stayed following Solomon’s death they are applying for an order to continue the suit against Solomon’s estate.
Bonn says that process could take a few weeks, but any patients looking to join the suit can do so, by visiting his firm’s website.
Meanwhile, criminal charges against Solomon, including child pornography and voyeurism offences, will be addressed in Belleville court next week.